Web Design
Web Design includes the visual elements of a website. Slicing up graphics and constructing a given look and feel. When possible we use CSS based layouts, which reduces server transfer, and gives a web designer more flexibility to change colors, borders and fonts. Because Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Opera, do not display websites the same, this can pose a challenge to web designers. Some Designers will develop a website for only IE ( Internet Explorer ) or only FireFox. By Default we build all our websites to be compatible with IE 6+, and Mozilla / Firefox 1.5+. This ensures compatibility for users on Windows XP machines and newer. Web Design also includes constructing layouts for HTML emails and newsletters. This can be a much more difficult task considering that every email client ( yahoo, aol, hotmail, gmail, outlook, ect. ) will only support a limited number of HTML tags and CSS rules. Web Design can also include simple flash movies
Web Design Questions